Sunday, September 26, 2010


I haven't been very good at keeping
this updated. But I am going to try harder!

Just a couple photographs from this years work.

Wedding in Yakima

Wedding in Snoqualmie

Wedding in North Bend

Senior pictures

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Girls brunch

Went out for breakfast this morning with the
girls. We all met in Seattle at a restaurant called Pesos? Not
really sure how to spell it, but it was delicious! We were there
for a couple hours, then went to the movies
for a matinee chick flick--"Dear John".
I didn't really want to see it because I knew I'd
cry, but surprisingly I didn't. It was a good movie, but it
had a really weird ending.. it could have been

After moving here and having my daughter I haven't really
gone out and done anything for myself or with
friends.. So its really nice to do this kind of
stuff once and a while. :) I'm loving it!!

Here are all of us girlies at breakfast!
We're all sooo stuffed!
....And we made the waitress take pictures
with about 5 different cameras :) Ooopsy!

Thanks Tam for organizing! Luv ya!

Friday, February 5, 2010

My very first post!

Well... Here is goes...

I wanted to start out with a couple of my
absolute favorite photos from within the past
year. Fall is by far my favorite season! I just love all
the different colors and how the camera is able
to capture all of it and pretty much bring the picture to life.

I am just a beginner so I'm not equipt with all the
photography accessories, so anytime I can shoot outdoors
I will take advantage of it!